The Mile Tall City
Arts and Venues: Everything to-do from Denver Arts & Venues on Vimeo.
Great event facilities basically the beginning to what Denver and the Colorado Convention Center have to give you. The Mile High City is renowned for its warm hospitality and over 300 times of sunlight per year.
Daytime at Larimer Square Credits: Stevie Crecelius
Downtown Denver is one of America’s liveliest, cleanest and a lot of pedestrian-friendly town. The center of downtown Denver is the sixteenth Street Mall; a mile long pedestrian promenade lined with outdoor cafes, restaurants and retail stores. Shuttle buses supply free transportation regarding shopping mall every five full minutes and collect at several stops around the mall.
Positioned next door may be the Denver Performing Arts elaborate in heart of downtown Denver Theatres District with real time entertainment available nightly.
LoDo, Denver’s downtown hip historic district, has significantly more than 90 brew pubs, sports bars and music groups. Denver hosts eight downtown professional recreations teams.
Followers appreciating a Rockies game Credits: deep Grant
Downtown Denver Hotels
Regardless if you are visiting the Colorado Convention Center and Bellco Theatre for a meeting or attending a meeting ready to accept the general public, downtown Denver has multiple resort hotels to support your requirements. FOLLOW THIS LINK for an interactive map of this downtown Denver resort hotels within walking length of Colorado Convention Center and Bellco Theatre.